It is a delight to be the spouse of a hard working, joy-filled, dedicated man.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh My, Oh My

This morning, before it gets hot and while there are lots of commuters on the road, I will be driving Dirt's truck with the stock trailer behind and Anna's horse in the trailer. The horse trailer doesn't have air conditioning that is why Dirt says I gotta go and I gotta go early.

I've never done this before.

I've never had to.


But if Dirt is willing, he is actually the one who suggested it, then I am positive I am more than capable.

Dear Reader I am sorry that I have been terrible at this blogging thing, not so much not getting things down over here, but getting out in the neighborhood to visit. I keep thinking that I will have nothing but time cuz of the hot weather, but not unlike frozen cold in the winter, this weather is causing a lot of work, along with all the regular stuff I'm supposed to be doing. I'll get out and visit soon, really I will.

I've been given such freedom and have had such victory lately that I can hardly wait to express all that I can. God is good, all the time!


Anonymous said...

I have missed you dear Lanny but understand there are just so many hours in the day. You take care in the terrible heat you are having and visit or update us when you have a chance. Love to you and the family.

Kanani said...

Okay, take deep breaths...
inhale courage
exhale fear

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You must really be feeling the heat, so much work you have outside. I'm ready for 75 degrees after a day of rain.
I'm sure you'll do fine with the horse trailer :)

Connie said...

Hi Lanny! I already read ahead (or is that behind? above, I guess?) and know that your trip was a successful one. I'm so glad that it was. Driving a horse trailer is not something I would ever sign up for. I drive a little Geo Metro itty bitty car and don't feel very comfortable driving anything bigger.