It is a delight to be the spouse of a hard working, joy-filled, dedicated man.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mid Spring Seeds Arrive Today

I am conflicted. Last night I looked up on UPS tracker and found out that the seeds I just ordered on Saturday are arriving today. I thought that was groovy, being able to see when my seeds would be arriving. If I already had my six hundred peat pots I might be tempted to get planting today, have my peat pots lined up ready to go.

The package is passed from the UPS man to EBet, Anna Colleen swings the door of the propagation house open, as her knife blade zips through the packing tape. Lanny reaches in takes the first packet of pumpkin seeds out and begins to carefully but speedily drop seeds into the indentations of the starter soil that she finished putting in the neatly arranged pre-labeled peat pots just as the UPS truck driver rolled his chariot down the driveway tossing biscuits to the Great Pretender Fluffy Joe.

Ah, the pure fantasy of it all.

I got so busy yesterday I forgot to push publish ooopsie! Hope you are have a tremendous week Dear Reader!


Eggs In My Pocket said...

Well at least you got the seeds! UPS can never find us because we live so far out. Have a fun planting time! blessings,Kathleen

Reader Wil said...

What does UPS stand for? We have UPC our TV and internet provider.
Thanks for your visit!

Sparky said...

Yummy! Pumpkins! I love pumpkin pie. I am tempted to try watermelons again, but have to put a fence around the plants. Deer love watermelons and will make short work of them if I don't. 'Course, I can make short work of them too ... ha ha :)

Anonymous said...

You have reminded me to plant the begonias I bought on Sunday!

CJ xx

Anonymous said...

Let me guess; while accomplishing all that seed planting your hair is "short and sassy" and you are twirling around on ice/roller skates in an elegant skating gown! Right?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Lanny: Sometimes we must do other things then blog. Have fun planting the seeds.
We had snow flurries today.

Karen said...

I can't wait to have "vine-ripened tomatoes" this summer! It is supposed to reach 80 degrees later this week. Yay for spring!

Connie said...

So much fun to watch things grow. I can understand fully your anticipation. :D