It is a delight to be the spouse of a hard working, joy-filled, dedicated man.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Okay, I'm Leavin' My Comfort Zone

And I'm weighing in on a T.V. show, a show that took a long time for the Vicks to finally watch and a show that I still only watch once it is half way through it's season.

But Simon and Kara are knuckle heads.  Okay, yeah I'm no singer not by a long shot and I've not produce much more than heads of lettuce and even that is dicey.  But I like to listen to music.  I like shows like Idol and SYTYCD because they remind me a bit of variety shows of my childhood.

And Siobhan Magnus is an incredibly versatile performer, who is phenomenally styled for a girl from her era.  Not to mention she has a voice that makes my skin shiver every time but especially this week.

The way that this crazy zany looking tatooed chick is able to hold her body, retain a shockingly flattering pose while walk down glossy steps in bizaddo spike heels, all the while singing, no, spinning a web, she must have had a secret life of having gone to finishing school or had her start in pageants. 

Kara and her nonsensical "you have one voice at the beginning and then you have this other"  and she thinks that's weird?  It is what set us up, she's gettin' you all moody and sultry like and then bam she loads you on, takes you up and up and wham!

Simon and Kara are what? Jealous, worried that what, ah crumb I can't analyze them past they are nuts.

Hey, like I said, I'm no expert, just a chick with sensitive skin.


A. Joy said...

Hee hee! My kids will weigh in heavily on this - they can't wait for Siobhan ( oh I spelled that wrong! ) to get voted off. I can't deny that she is talented but I also can't stand the very nasaly tone to her voice and would not enjoy it on the radio, however, by the way America keeps voting for her I must be the only one that dislikes her. We're more Crystal (looks like a laid back chick who hangs out on her mobile home porch drinkin beer with her dad ) Bowersox fans but in the end - they all end up with record deals and the 'Idol' winner never seems to end up with the best deal.

Anonymous said...

I'll admit that I hardly ever watch TV, but John and I love to watch Idol together. Kara is not one of my favorite people!!!

LindaSue said...

IMHO - Ellen is the biggest waste of a judge's seat - who needed another music fan's input - that is what the voting is for. Anyhow - we aren't watching much this year and although he won't win - are cheering for Casey 'cause he used to date our BFF's daughter and is a really nice guy (lousy reasons I know but our reasons). Idol just doesn't have much pizzazz this year - don't know if it is the judges or the talent - but fun to hear your take on it!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I watch too..I do like Crystal Bowersox and Casey..I want to rip out her earring ( the one under her lip) and cut his hair a little..but other than that they sing pretty good..I just don't like looking at them:)